Ditch the resolutions for a rule

January 1 - an entire shiny new year lying ahead, 365 calendar squares of unmarked living. It screams of so much potential. Who knows what might happen in those days? What sort of life may unfold? Who might you become in this year? And to give voice to that deep desire for change, this time… Continue reading Ditch the resolutions for a rule

Rest in grace this new year

“… it is mainly for some clue to where I am going that I search through where I have been, some hint as to who I am becoming or failing to become that I delve into what used to be.”  Frederick Buechner There’s alot about New Year’s to love.  Besides the gatherings and good food… Continue reading Rest in grace this new year

The crime of living cautiously

Ours is an age of anxiety; we idolize security, seeking to live ruling out risk or failure.  Exhibit # 1,043: helicopter parents hovering protectively over their children's bubble-wrapped lives. Doesn't that seem a bad way to live?  Jesus seemed to think so.  I love Eugene Peterson's paraphrase of Jesus' parable of the talents, the master says… Continue reading The crime of living cautiously

The new normal and Sabbath keeping: practicing 24/6

In the last post, I observed what I’m seeing as a changing worship pattern - twice a month as the new normal.  While these trends in worship patterns are interesting data to observe, the more important question is about how we practice Sabbath. The changing worship patterns are, in some measure, a reaction to the… Continue reading The new normal and Sabbath keeping: practicing 24/6